виготовлені - Шиття

виготовлені - Шиття

назваБроня - гострої зброїБроня - тупої зброїБроня - великих температур
синтетична тканина94%26%90%
шерсть гігантського лінивця80%0%110%
шерсть муффало36%0%110%
шерсть альпаки36%0%110%
шерсть бізона36%0%110%
овеча шерсть36%0%110%
залатана шкіра45%19%90%
проста шкіра81%24%150%
собача шкіра81%24%150%
вовча шкіра102%24%150%
хутро пантери93%24%150%
верблюжа шкіра81%24%150%
синє хутро81%24%150%
ведмежа шкіра112%24%150%
людська шкіра64%24%150%
свиняча шкіра64%24%150%
легка шкіра54%14%150%
шкіра птахів67%14%150%
хутро шиншилли67%14%150%
хутро лисиці81%21%150%
шкіра ящірки81%27%150%
слонова шкіра112%24%150%
важке хутро124%24%150%
шкіра носорога129%24%150%
хутро трумбо208%36%150%
хутро морської свинки67%14%150%
назваБроня - гострої зброїБроня - тупої зброїБроня - великих температур

*Броня - гострої зброї…The protection given against sharp damage like bullets, knife stabs, explosions, and animal bites.
Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value.
The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100.
- If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly.
- If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt.
- If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.
For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.
Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.

*Броня - тупої зброї…The protection given against blunt damage like fists, club impacts and rock falls.
Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value.
The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100.
- If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly.
- If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt.
- If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.
For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.
Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.

*Броня - великих температур…The protection given against temperature-related damage like burns.
Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value.
The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100.
- If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly.
- If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt.
- If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.
For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.
Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.


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