muffalo wool - manufactured

Basics - muffalo wool

Soft, light and provides very good insulation. Muffalo wool clothes can keep the body warm even in very cold conditions.

market value$2.7
mass0.028 kg
max hit points90
deterioration rate3.4 / Päev

Õmble - muffalo wool

button-down shirt
ruffle shirt
royal vest
royal robe
headgearcowboy hat
bowler hat
tribal headdress
war veil
ladies hat
top hat
Insulation - Cold-30℃ / -54F / -30K
Insulation - Heat+12℃ / +21.6F / +12K
Multipliers when made of this
Armor - Sharp36%
Armor - Blunt0%
Armor - Heat110%

*Armor - Sharp…The chance to affect sharp damage like bullets, knife stabs, explosions, and animal bites.Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value. The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100. -If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly. -If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is mitigated. This means it is converted into blunt damage and reduced by half. -If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.In the case of apparel armor, each layer of apparel applies its armor to the attack separately, from the outside in.

*Armor - Blunt…The chance to affect blunt damage like fists, club impacts and rock falls.Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value. The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100. -If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly. -If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is mitigated. This means it is reduced by half. -If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.In the case of apparel armor, each layer of apparel applies its armor to the attack separately, from the outside in.

*Armor - Heat…The chance to affect temperature-related damage like burns.Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value. The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100. -If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly. -If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is mitigated. This means it is reduced by half. -If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.In the case of apparel armor, each layer of apparel applies its armor to the attack separately, from the outside in.


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