ibex - Loomad

Basics - ibex

The wild ancestor of the domesticated goat. Ibexes live on marginal territory where most antelopes couldn't survive, eating lichens and sparse mountain plants. They're famous for dextrously hopping across bare cliff faces - and for their violent ramming attack.

Liikumiskiirus4.6 c/s
Body size0.85
mass59 kg
Minimum comfortable temperature-30℃ / -22F / 243K
Maximum comfortable temperature40℃ / 104F / 313K
pain shock threshold80%
immunity gain speed100%

Jahi - ibex

Revenge chance on harm2%
melee DPS2.45
melee armor penetration13%
melee dodge chance0%
Leather typeplainleather
leather amount25
meatibex meat
meat amount76

Dresseeri - ibex

minimum handling skill3
Revenge chance on tame fail1%
market value$250
carrying capacity63
Pack animalEi
Oodatav eluigavanus 15
babyvanus 0~
juvenilevanus 0.2~
adultvanus 0.5~


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