cougar - animals

Basics - cougar

One of the most dangerous big cats, cougars are solitary hunters with long, sharp teeth and claws. They stalk prey from hidden positions before pouncing.
While humans are not their normal diet, they won't turn down a meal of vulnerable human meat.

Rýchlosť pohybu5 c/s
Body size1.4
mass98 kg
Minimum comfortable temperature-25℃ / -13F / 248K
Maximum comfortable temperature40℃ / 104F / 313K
pain shock threshold80%
immunity gain speed100%

Hunting - cougar

Revenge chance on harm10%
melee DPS4.67
melee armor penetration19%
melee dodge chance0%
Leather typepanthera fur
leather amount42
Mäsocougar meat
meat amount126

Handling - cougar

minimum handling skill6
Revenge chance on tame fail10%
carrying capacity105
Pack animalNo
Life expectancyvek 13
babyvek 0~
juvenilevek 0.25~
adultvek 0.5~


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